ANIMALS AS LEADERS: New Album Release Date Announced

September 1, 2011

Progressive instrumentalists ANIMALS AS LEADERS will release their second full-length album, "Weightless", in North America on November 8, in mainland Europe on November 4 and in the U.K. on November 7 via Prosthetic Records. The CD was recorded with drummer Navene Koperweis handling production duties.

In a recent interview with "Ryan's Rock Show!", ANIMALS AS LEADERS guitarist Tosin Abasi stated about the band's forthcoming CD, "When we did the first album, it wasn't anything anyone knew about, so there was total freedom there was no expectation. A lot of people really liked the first album, and it created a weird sense of obligation to continue in a direction that allowed people to like it in the first place But that isn't necessarily the best way to make music."

ANIMALS AS LEADERS is currently in Europe opening for BETWEEN THE BURIED AND ME following a string of shows as direct support to the DEFTONES. They will kick off an extensive North American tour alongside BETWEEN THE BURIED AND ME on October 27.

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